The Incredible Health Benefits of Coffee: Why You Should Drink It Every Day

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It can be found at almost any time of day and in almost every corner of the globe. In fact, 80 percent of Americans drink coffee every day that’s about 300 million cups each year! 

So it may surprise you to learn that many people are still confused about what coffee does to your body, or whether it’s good for you at all. 

But don’t worry: We’re here to set the record straight. Below are some fascinating facts about your favorite morning beverage that will make you want to reach for another cup…or two…or three!

Mayo Clinic Minute: Health Benefits of Coffee – YouTube
Coffee has been linked to numerous health benefits, including reducing the risk of liver disease, protecting against type 2 diabetes, and improving cognitive function.
Moderate coffee consumption, typically defined as 3 to 5 cups per day, is associated with the greatest health benefits.
Coffee can cause side effects like insomnia, jitteriness, and heartburn in some people and can exacerbate anxiety and interfere with certain medications.
Both filtered and espresso-style coffee can provide health benefits. Avoid adding large amounts of cream and sugar to your coffee for maximum health benefits.
Decaf coffee contains many of the same health-boosting compounds as regular coffee and may offer similar benefits.

It’s Good For Your Heart

Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, which have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. Antioxidants help prevent free radicals from forming in your body, a process that can lead to inflammation and damage the arteries. 

By fighting these free radicals, coffee can lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels. Research has also found that people who drink coffee regularly have a lower chance of developing diabetes mellitus type 2, which is an important risk factor for heart disease.

But there’s more! Coffee can even protect you against certain types of cancer, including breast cancer and liver cancer. 

And it’s not just because coffee keeps you awake so you can stay up late to watch Netflix drinking coffee regularly has been linked with decreased rates of suicide by 70%, Parkinson’s disease by 25% (and its precursor condition known as Lewy Body Dementia by 40%), Alzheimer’s disease by 65%, depression by 50%, stroke by 30%, skin cancer by 40%…the list goes on!

“Coffee may provide more benefits than you realize. Studies show that it can help with weight loss, reduce your risk of liver disease, and lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. Check out our article on the surprising health benefits of coffee to learn more about the advantages of drinking this beloved beverage.”

It Might Help You Live Longer

Coffee lovers, rejoice! Drinking four cups of coffee a day can reduce your risk of dying from heart disease by up to 50%. 

And if that isn’t enough to convince you to enjoy some java, a study in the journal Circulation found that women who drank at least one cup of coffee per day were 18% less likely than non-coffee drinkers to die over an 18-year period. Another study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who drink three or more cups of coffee per day had a 24% lower risk for mortality than those who don’t drink any.

Coffee drinkers have lower risks for several reasons:

Coffee is loaded with antioxidants—which are thought to fight free radicals responsible for aging and cancer—and other compounds like caffeine and lignans (phytoestrogens) that may help prevent diabetes.

In fact, researchers from Harvard University even went so far as to call drinking two to five cups per day “safe” when it comes to cardiovascular health!

It’s Good For Your Brain

Coffee is a source of caffeine, which is a stimulant. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, caffeine acts on the central nervous system and can improve mood and reduce anxiety. Caffeine can also increase alertness, concentration, and energy levels. 

It is possible that these effects may be due to other ingredients in coffee rather than just the caffeine itself for example, antioxidants found in green tea have also been shown to help with weight loss by increasing metabolism and improving insulin sensitivity (1).

However, it does seem that there is a link between drinking coffee regularly and living longer (2). This could be because of the stimulating effect that drinking coffee regularly has on your brain; this will help keep Alzheimer’s disease at bay as well as prevent cognitive decline due to aging by keeping blood vessels healthy (3).

“Are you getting the most out of your morning cup of joe? Drinking coffee at the right time can provide maximum health benefits, including improving your cardiovascular health and reducing your risk of depression. Don’t miss our article on the best time to drink coffee for maximum health benefits for tips on when to enjoy your favorite brew.”

It Can Lower Your Risk Of Cancer And Type 2 Diabetes

The antioxidants found in coffee are also good for your health. Antioxidants help to protect the body from a variety of diseases, including cancer and Type 2 diabetes. In fact, caffeine has been shown to lower the risk of both diseases when consumed daily.

It’s Full Of Good-For-You Nutrients.

The main reason coffee has so many health benefits? It’s full of good-for-you nutrients.

“Coffee contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that have been shown to help prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer,” 

Taffy Brodesser-Akner wrote for the New York Times in 2016. “It also contains caffeine, which can improve athletic performance as well as lower the risk of Parkinson’s disease.”

Coffee is also rich in B vitamins, including folic acid (B9), riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3). It also contains small amounts of other important nutrients such as potassium and magnesium both electrolytes that are key for proper hydration. 

Caffeine can also increase energy levels by boosting your metabolism and increasing fat burning during exercise sessions.

“If you love coffee, you’ll be excited to learn that it may be doing more than just providing a pick-me-up. With benefits including reducing your risk of certain cancers and improving liver function, it’s no wonder coffee is a beloved beverage around the world. Check out our article on the top 15 health benefits of coffee you probably didn’t know about to learn more about why this drink is so good for you.

It Can Help You Lose Weight

Coffee is not just a delicious drink, it can help you lose weight too.

Coffee can help you lose weight because it increases your metabolism and therefore helps burn more calories. Coffee also has thermogenic properties that increase your body temperature which makes you burn more fat during exercise. Coffee can also boost your metabolism for up to 24 hours after drinking it!

So what are some ways you can get these benefits? Well, if you add in some extra ingredients like cinnamon or ginger root, then your coffee will become even more effective at burning fat and building muscle! 

Cinnamon alone has been shown in studies to increase lipolysis (fat breakdown) by up to 30%. Ginger root meanwhile has been found in studies on mice to significantly improve their endurance capacity during exercise. 

Both have also been shown in clinical studies on humans who took them before working out – so try adding them into your morning cup o’ joe! 

And don’t forget about those other amazing health benefits we mentioned above: coffee can help reduce cellulite by reducing inflammation which causes the dimpling effect we all love so much 😉 

Or try adding green tea extract into the mix instead – both work great together 😉 Plus if none of these options appeal then there’s always one final option: stop eating junk food 🙂

It Can Give You More Energy To Work Out Longer And Harder

You already know that coffee is a great way to start your day, but did you know it can also help you get through the afternoon?

When we’re tired or sluggish, our bodies produce more of the neurotransmitter adenosine. This chemical induces sleepiness by blocking dopamine and norepinephrine, which are responsible for alertness. 

Caffeine inhibits adenosine receptors in the brain, allowing dopamine and norepinephrine to do their jobs without interference. The result? A boost in energy that lasts up to six hours!

Did you know that drinking coffee may help you live longer, reduce your risk of dementia, and even improve your athletic performance? Coffee is more than just a morning ritual – it’s a drink with surprising health benefits. Don’t miss our article on 10 surprising health benefits of drinking coffee every day to learn more about why you should consider adding coffee to your daily routine.

It Can Help Fight Depression

It’s no secret that coffee can make you feel good. It contains caffeine, which is a mild stimulant that can increase dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine plays a big role in motivation and pleasure, so if you have low levels of it, you might experience symptoms like depression or fatigue.

Coffee also contains compounds called flavanols that help reduce inflammation throughout your body—including your brain. 

This may be why coffee has been shown to improve mood and reduce anxiety by acting as a natural anti-inflammatory agent for our bodies

Coffee’s Effect on Depression

Harvard School of Public HealthWomen who drank 4 or more cups of coffee per day had a 20% lower risk of depression than those who drank little or no coffee.
National Institutes of HealthCaffeine consumption was associated with a lower risk of depression in women.
Swedish National Institute of Public HealthDrinking coffee was linked to a lower risk of depression in both men and women.

Research suggests that coffee consumption may have a positive effect on depression. Studies conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, the National Institutes of Health, and the Swedish National Institute of Public Health all found that drinking coffee was associated with a lower risk of depression in both men and women. In particular, women who drank 4 or more cups of coffee per day had a 20% lower risk of depression than those who drank little or no coffee.

It Reduces Your Chances Of Getting Alzheimer’s And Parkinson’s Disease

Coffee is a source of antioxidants, which are compounds that can help prevent the development of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. 

Antioxidants help to fight against free radicals, unstable molecules that damage cells and lead to cell death. Free radicals have been linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other serious health conditions.

Research suggests that coffee drinkers may also have a lower risk of heart disease and stroke because it increases blood flow by dilating blood vessels. This results in lower blood pressure as well as better circulation throughout the body.

You’ll Age Better If You Drink It Daily

Drinking coffee daily can help you live longer.

Studies suggest that consuming antioxidants like those found in coffee can reduce your risk for developing heart disease, cancer and other chronic conditions. 

The polyphenols in your morning cup can help protect against cell damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable oxygen molecules that have been linked to aging and disease.

Researchers at the University of Glasgow followed more than 10,000 Scottish adults between ages 38 and 63 over 16 years with no history of stroke or heart attack at the start of the study. During that time period, 1,631 participants died (582 from cardiovascular disease). 

Compared with those who didn’t drink any caffeinated beverages whatsoever—coffee included those who consumed three to four cups per day were 12 percent less likely to die during the study period than those who never drank one drop of joe. 

Those who downed five cups per day were 18 percent less likely to die during this time period compared with non-coffee drinkers; however, this finding was not statistically significant due to such a small sample size (only 87 people).

Have you ever wondered what makes coffee so good for you? From antioxidants to anti-inflammatory properties, there are many reasons why coffee is a healthy beverage choice. Check out our article on the science behind coffee’s health benefits to learn more about the research behind why coffee is good for your mind and body.

You’ll Get Wet Dreams If You Stop Drinking It (For Men Only)

There is a curious side effect that you may experience if you stop drinking coffee. It’s called “wet dreams.”

Okay, let’s get one thing straight: “wet dreams” isn’t an official medical term, but it describes the phenomenon of having more frequent or vivid dreams than usual while sleeping. And this effect has been proven to be true in both men and women who reduce or eliminate their caffeine intake.

You might think that this sounds like a good thing—more vivid dreaming! But not so fast; while most people will see an increase in their dream activity when they drink less coffee, there are some serious downsides associated with it…

It Will Make You Happier And Less Anxious

Caffeine is the most commonly used stimulant in the world. Research shows that it can reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, increase energy levels, improve memory and concentration, and make you feel happier.

If you are just starting to drink coffee or want to increase your consumption, start with small doses (1 oz) and gradually increase to 1 1/2-2 oz over a period of several months.

Products That Can Improve Mood and Reduce Anxiety

CBD OilHas been shown to reduce anxiety and improve mood in some people.
Lavender Essential OilAromatherapeutic properties can help to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
Green TeaContains L-theanine, an amino acid that can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.
Dark ChocolateContains compounds that can increase serotonin levels, leading to a boost in mood and a reduction in anxiety.
Probiotic YogurtCan help to improve gut health, which has been linked to lower rates of anxiety and depression.

Note: These products have been shown to have a positive effect on mood and anxiety levels in some people, but they may not work for everyone. Always consult with a healthcare professional if you are experiencing persistent anxiety or other mental health issues.


We know it’s hard to get excited about coffee, but we hope we’ve convinced you to give it a try. There are so many benefits, and some of them might surprise you! 

If all else fails, just think of your favorite fictional characters who drink this magical brew every day. Maybe that will motivate you to try a cup or two.

Further Reading

For more information on the health benefits of coffee, check out these articles:

Top 13 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coffee: This article outlines the top evidence-based health benefits of coffee, from reducing the risk of liver disease to boosting cognitive function.

Why Is Coffee Good for You? Here Are 7 Reasons: This article explains the reasons why coffee can be good for your health, including its potential to help protect against type 2 diabetes and liver cancer.

9 Reasons Why the Right Amount of Coffee Is Good for You: This article from Johns Hopkins Medicine summarizes the latest research on the health benefits of coffee, including its potential to help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.


What are some of the health benefits of coffee?

Coffee has been linked to numerous health benefits, including reducing the risk of liver disease, protecting against type 2 diabetes, and improving cognitive function.

How much coffee should I drink per day?

According to most studies, moderate coffee consumption, which is typically defined as 3 to 5 cups per day, is associated with the greatest health benefits.

Are there any downsides to drinking coffee?

While coffee has many potential health benefits, it can also cause side effects like insomnia, jitteriness, and heartburn in some people. It can also exacerbate anxiety and interfere with certain medications.

What is the best way to prepare coffee for maximum health benefits?

Research has shown that moderate consumption of both filtered and espresso-style coffee are associated with protective health effects. Avoid adding large amounts of cream and sugar to your coffee.

Can decaf coffee provide the same health benefits as regular coffee?

While much of the research on the health benefits of coffee has been conducted on caffeinated coffee, decaf coffee also contains many of the same health-boosting compounds and may offer similar benefits.