How To Make Your Coffee Shop More Eco-Friendly

As a cafe owner, you probably already have an idea of what makes your coffee shop eco-friendly. You’re thinking things like fair trade and organic products, sustainable food options, and even reusable cups for customers. 

But in the rush to make money and please customers, it’s easy to forget about some important details that can make or break your environmental impact as a business owner.

We know! Keeping up with all the latest trends in sustainability is hard work especially when there are so many factors at play. 

Luckily for us caffeine addicts out there, we’ve done our research (and drank our fair share of coffee) to come up with some quick ways you can help your shop become more eco-friendly:

Sustainable Coffee: Our #1 problem isn’t paper cups
Consistency is key when it comes to making your coffee shop more eco-friendly. Implement sustainable practices and stick to them.
Educate yourself and your staff on sustainability practices to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Use eco-friendly equipment, such as energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, and low-flow water fixtures.
Source local, organic ingredients, and make an effort to reduce food waste.
Offer sustainable packaging options and encourage customers to bring their reusable cups and containers.
Be transparent about your sustainable practices and communicate them to your customers.
Partner with sustainable suppliers and choose coffee brands that prioritize environmental and social responsibility.
Stay informed and keep up with the latest sustainability trends, technologies, and practices in the coffee industry.

Change Your Philosophy

As the saying goes, you can’t change the world. But you can change your little corner of it. If you want to make a difference, start by changing yourself. 

That’s because changing yourself is the only way to make a real difference in your life and in the world around you.

The only way to make a real change is by starting with yourself

Sustainable coffee farming practices are crucial for the environment, coffee farmers, and the industry as a whole. Learn more about the importance of sustainable coffee farming practices in Unified Coffees’ ultimate guide.

Avoid Using Up Plastic Cups And Plastic Items

Avoid using up plastic cups and plastic items. These are not recyclable, so they will end up in landfills or in the ocean. Instead of using plastic cups, use glass ones instead! The same goes for your straws if you really need them, use paper ones instead of plastic ones (which are often used once only before being thrown away). 

If you must use plastics (for example, if the customer orders iced coffee), there are several options: bring your own reusable cup or mug; ask customers if they would like to purchase a reusable travel mug with their order; offer an incentive for bringing back their old coffee mugs upon next visit (e.g., 10% off).

Plastic-Free AlternativesBrand/SupplierCost
Stainless steel strawsU-Taste$0.30 per unit
Glass cupsKeepCup$20 per cup
Silicone cup lidsEco Cup$6 per lid
Bamboo utensilsBambu$15 per set
Reusable shopping bagsBagpodz$20 per set

The table above provides a list of plastic-free alternatives to minimize the use of plastic cups and utensils in your coffee shop. The table includes the brand/supplier and cost per item to help with decision making.

Choosing stainless steel straws from U-Taste, glass cups from KeepCup, and silicone cup lids from Eco Cup can all reduce the use of disposable plastics. Offering bamboo utensils from Bambu and reusable shopping bags from Bagpodz can also contribute to a sustainable environment.

Model Eco-Friendly Behavior In Your Shop

As the owner of a coffee shop, you can be an example to your employees. You might want to show them how to recycle and how to use reusable cups, or you could talk about energy-efficient equipment. 

This will help them understand what it means when they hear “eco-friendly” and give them the tools they need to make your coffee shop even more eco-friendly.

Sustainable coffee habits start with small changes you can make every day. Check out Unified Coffees’ article on 10 Simple Tips for a More Sustainable Coffee Habit to learn how you can reduce your environmental impact.

Use Energy-Efficient Equipment

There are a few simple things you can do to make your coffee shop more eco-friendly. First, switch to energy efficient equipment. 

Next, use the right amount of water and coffee grounds for each cup of coffee (not too much). Finally, use the right amount of milk or cream for each drink as well—no need to waste it!

You should also consider using ice in place of other cooling methods such as air conditioning or refrigeration so that your customers are not subjected to unnecessary waste from medical supplies like ice packs which have been found to contain harmful chemicals like bisphenol A (BPA).

In addition to these efforts on behalf of yourself and your customer base at large, there are additional ways you can help protect our planet and its inhabitants by working with local organizations who share similar values with yours such as mission statements which focus on sustainability while simultaneously providing services without harming individuals within communities around them.

Switch To Rechargeable Batteries

When you think about the environment, batteries might not exactly be at the top of your mind. But they actually have a huge impact on the planet: over 6 billion alkaline and lithium batteries are used by people around the world every year! And while it’s easy to throw these away when they run out, this isn’t good for our planet.

Batteries contain heavy metals like cadmium, mercury and lead—all of which can cause serious harm to wildlife if they get into their habitats. 

These chemicals can damage animals’ central nervous systems and reproductive organs, as well as mess with their metabolism and cause cancer in humans who eat them (which is why we don’t recommend eating sushi made from bluefin tuna). 

That’s why we’re recommending that you switch over to rechargeable batteries instead they may cost more initially but will save you money later on down the road since they’ll last longer than disposable ones do before needing replacement or recharging. 

Plus there’s another benefit: rechargeables use less energy than disposables so they’ll cut down on carbon emissions as well!

The coffee industry is not without its flaws, and it is essential to know the dark side of the coffee industry. Unified Coffees’ article sheds light on the negative impact of coffee production on workers and the environment.

Conserve Water

At your coffee shop, you can take some simple steps to conserve water. If you have a water filter, use it to filter all of the water used in your establishment. 

You can also install a water dispenser so that customers don’t have to use as much bottled water. Additionally, encourage customers to bring their own reusable mugs or cups and make sure everyone knows about this option.

Choose Biodegradable Products And Takeout Containers

Choose biodegradable products and takeout containers.

Biodegradable takeout containers are made from the same materials as plastic, but they break down when exposed to light and air. This means they don’t last forever in landfills, creating a greater burden on the environment over time.

The best thing about biodegradable takeout containers is that you don’t have to worry about whether or not your customers will recycle them after use—they’ll decompose!

Biodegradable Takeout Containers

Biodegradable ProductsBrand/SupplierCost
Compostable takeout containersWorld Centric$0.45 per unit
Biodegradable food traysGreenBox$0.25 per tray
Plant-based strawsAardvark$0.08 per unit
Bio-Plastic utensilsMade from Earth$0.05 per piece
Edible spoonsBakeys$0.15 per spoon

The above table presents a list of biodegradable products and takeout containers to make your coffee shop more eco-friendly. The table provides the brand/supplier and cost per item to assist with making informed decisions.

Using compostable takeout containers from World Centric, biodegradable food trays from GreenBox, and plant-based straws from Aardvark can be a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Offering bio-plastic utensils from Made from Earth and edible spoons from Bakeys are additional ways to make your coffee shop more sustainable.

Avoid Toxic Chemicals

Use biodegradable cleaning products: Avoid harsh chemicals by using a non-toxic, eco-friendly product. Biodegradable cleaning products are not only safer for the environment, but they’re also safer for you and your employees to use!

Avoid toxic chemicals: Toxic chemicals can be harmful to the environment, so it’s important to think about how they affect the environment before using them. 

When it comes time to clean up after your customers or employees have spilled something on their way out, think about whether or not this particular chemical would cause harm if left behind. 

If so, find another option that’s more environmentally friendly and safe for everyone involved in its use (you included!).

Supporting sustainable coffee brands is one way to make a difference in the coffee industry. Learn how to choose a coffee brand that aligns with your values in Unified Coffees’ article, How to Choose a Sustainable Coffee Brand that Makes a Difference.

Set Up An Eco-Friendly Station For Guests

  • Provide a recycling bin for guests to use
  • Make sure it’s clearly labeled and easy to find. You don’t want them to have to dig through the trash or search the entire store looking for the bin, after all!

Tell your customers why you’re doing this. Providing some background on how recycling helps the environment is a great way to get people thinking about their actions and make them feel more invested in what they’re doing. 

For instance: “Did you know that by recycling plastic water bottles, we can save enough energy from being used to heat 60,000 homes? Imagine how much more energy we could save if everyone recycled!”

Offer biodegradable products for purchase If you’re offering eco-friendly options at your store, make sure there are both paper and plastic cups available for purchase so guests can choose their preferred option without having any extra steps between them and their coffee fix when they walk into your shop!

Eco-Friendly Guest Station

Eco-Friendly ItemsBrand/SupplierCost
Compostable cups and lidsEco-Products$0.15 per unit
Biodegradable strawsGreenware$0.07 per unit
Recycled napkinsSeventh Generation$0.03 per napkin
Refillable water bottlesContigo$12 per bottle
Individually wrapped reusable utensilsBambu$1.50 per set

The table above provides a list of eco-friendly items to set up a guest station and make it more sustainable. The brands/suppliers and cost per unit are also provided to help with decision making. Using compostable cups and lids from Eco-Products, biodegradable straws from Greenware, and recycled napkins from Seventh Generation are all great options to reduce waste.

Offering refillable water bottles from Contigo and individually wrapped reusable utensils from Bambu can also encourage guests to minimize single-use plastic.

Educate Your Employees On Eco-Friendliness Best Practices

You’re not just educating your customers about eco-friendliness, you’re also educating your employees. 

You want them to understand how important it is for the environment and for their bottom line. There are many benefits of training employees:

They can help spread the word about eco-friendly practices within your business by spreading awareness among coworkers and customers.

Employees are often on the front lines of customer service, so they can help set standards for eco-friendliness in a way that affects every facet of operations (e.g., purchasing decision making, waste disposal, etc.).

Your employees will have a better understanding of what’s going on with sustainability efforts throughout the company, which means they’ll be able to answer questions from customers confidently and accurately—and ultimately sell more coffee!

Every choice you make can have an impact on the environment, including your coffee choices. Check out Unified Coffees’ article on 15 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Your Coffee Choices to learn how you can make more sustainable coffee choices and reduce your carbon footprint.


As you can see, there are many ways to make your coffee shop more eco-friendly. You don’t have to do it all at once, but if you want to be a sustainable business, you should start somewhere! 

You can start by changing the way your employees dispose of waste and choosing biodegradable products at first. 

If they find they like the experience and want their customers to feel good about their choices as well then they might continue with these practices long term.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources on the topic of making your coffee shop more eco-friendly:

Sustainable Coffee Shops: 8 High-Impact Strategies to Lower Your Carbon Footprint: A blog post by Bellwether Coffee that provides useful strategies on how to reduce the environmental impact of your coffee shop.

Coffee Shop Expo: Sustainability in the Coffee Shop Sector: An article that offers an overview of the importance of sustainability in the coffee shop industry.

Tips to Make Your Coffee Shop More Eco-Friendly: A comprehensive guide that lists various tips and strategies to make your coffee shop more eco-friendly.


What are some benefits of making a coffee shop more eco-friendly?

By making your coffee shop more eco-friendly, you can reduce your environmental impact, attract environmentally conscious customers, save money on energy bills, and improve your brand image.

What are some simple ways to make a coffee shop more eco-friendly?

Simple ways to make a coffee shop more eco-friendly include reducing water consumption, using energy-efficient equipment, sourcing local and organic ingredients, implementing recycling programs, and using eco-friendly cleaning products.

How can coffee shops reduce their carbon footprint?

Coffee shops can reduce their carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources, reducing water usage, reducing food waste, using energy-efficient equipment, and implementing sustainable transportation practices.

What are some sustainable packaging options for coffee shops?

Some sustainable packaging options for coffee shops include biodegradable cups and lids made from plant-based materials, eco-friendly takeaway containers and bags, and reusable cups and containers.

How can coffee shops educate their customers on sustainability?

Coffee shops can educate their customers on sustainability by providing information on their sustainable practices on their website, in-store signage, or in-person communication. They can also offer resources such as informational brochures, blog articles, or sustainability events.