10 Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee Every Day

For years, coffee has been associated with negative health effects. It is high in caffeine, which can cause anxiety and insomnia in some people. 

But new research shows that coffee drinkers may actually have some significant health benefits! Here are just a few surprising ways that drinking coffee every day can improve your life:

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee – YouTube
Key Takeaways
Drinking coffee has been linked to numerous health benefits, including improved brain function, reduced risk of liver disease and type 2 diabetes, and lower risk of depression and certain types of cancer.
Most studies suggest that drinking 3-4 cups of coffee per day is associated with the greatest health benefits.
Black, unsweetened coffee offers the greatest health benefits, as adding sugar or cream can negate some of these benefits.
While coffee should not be relied upon as a weight loss aid on its own, it may boost metabolism and help some people burn more calories.
Overall, moderate coffee consumption can be a part of a healthy lifestyle and may provide a number of significant health benefits.

Caffeine Can Help You Feel Less Tired And Increase Your Energy Levels

Caffeine can help you feel less tired and increase your energy levels.

Caffeine can help you to stay awake.

Caffeine can help you to focus on the task at hand, which can improve your productivity.

Caffeine can also be beneficial for improving concentration and mental focus in general by reducing the feeling of sleepiness that often occurs with tasks that require sustained mental effort or attention in the evening hours when we are normally preparing ourselves for sleep

Coffee has more health benefits than you might think; in fact, it can even lower your risk of developing certain diseases. Check out our article on the surprising health benefits of coffee to learn about the ways that coffee can benefit your health.

Coffee Can Help You Concentrate And Improve Your Productivity

After a long night of staying up late, having trouble concentrating and being unproductive during the day can be frustrating. 

The solution to this problem may be as simple as drinking coffee in the morning. Caffeine is a common ingredient in many energy drinks and it can help you stay alert during the day so that you won’t feel tired or sleepy. 

In addition to helping people focus at work or school, caffeine can also help them concentrate when they are playing video games or watching TV at home after a long day at work.

Coffee contains over 500 different compounds including vitamins A and B2 (riboflavin), minerals such as iron and zinc, as well as chlorogenic acid which has antioxidant properties that protect cells from free radical damage caused by oxidation reactions inside cells – one cause of aging effects on skin

Coffee May Improve Your Physical Performance

A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that drinking coffee after a workout can help you recover faster, allowing you to perform better on subsequent days. The researchers analyzed the dietary habits and caffeine intake of male and female runners, swimmers and cyclists over a period of four years. 

They discovered that those who consumed coffee had faster times during endurance events compared to their non-coffee-drinking counterparts. If you’re already an avid runner or cyclist, consider mixing up your routine by adding a cup (or two) of joe into the mix before heading out on those morning runs or rides.

Want to improve your health and wellness? Look no further than your morning cup of coffee! Our article on the incredible health benefits of coffee explains exactly why you should start drinking coffee every day.

Coffee May Help You Lose Weight

Coffee can help you lose weight, and it’s not just because of that extra jolt of energy you get in the morning. Coffee’s effects on metabolism, fat burning and appetite control are among some of its biggest weight loss benefits.

Coffee may boost your metabolism by as much as 13 percent for three hours after drinking it, according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 

This effect is due to caffeine’s stimulant effects on the body it causes your liver to release more glycogen into your bloodstream and triggers adrenaline production, which increases calorie expenditure.

Coffee also has an anti-inflammatory effect that can help fight obesity by reducing adipose tissue (fat) storage. This means coffee drinkers might be able to eat more than people who don’t drink coffee without gaining as much weight because their bodies won’t store as much fat or gain weight from food intake alone. 

Additionally, drinking coffee may increase lipolysis the breakdown of fat cells by 14 percent compared with those who don’t consume any caffeine at all (source).

When you consider all these health benefits together with green tea’s proven ability to suppress appetite naturally while simultaneously boosting metabolism even further due to its high antioxidant content (source), then there’s no question that consuming both green tea and coffee every day will help maintain healthy body weights!

Coffee isn’t just a tasty drink; it’s also incredibly good for your health and wellness. Check out our article on 15 ways that coffee can benefit your health and wellness to learn more about the ways that coffee can improve your life.

Coffee May Lower Your Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

If you’re worried about your health, drinking coffee may lower your risk of Type 2 Diabetes. According to a study published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, people who drank four or more cups of coffee per day were 27 percent less likely to develop 

Type 2 Diabetes than those who drank one cup or less per week.

Coffee can be good for your heart! Researchers at Harvard Medical School found that drinking two to three cups of caffeinated coffee per day is linked with a 5 percent reduction in all-cause mortality—meaning it could help you live longer. (Of course, this doesn’t mean you should start guzzling cup after cup when there’s no evidence that more than three daily cups will have any additional benefits.)

Another reason why we love our morning brew? It might help us lose weight! A study from the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf showed that consuming caffeine before meals helps reduce hunger and food intake by increasing satiety signals from the gut and brain that tell us when we are full; this means fewer calories consumed overall!

Coffee also has some amazing potential benefits for neurological health: Research shows it may lower risk of Parkinson’s disease by 50 percent—and if you’re already diagnosed with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease (or both), consuming up to six cups per day could stave off symptoms related to these conditions.

Cancer TypeDecrease in Risk
Liver cancer29% decreased risk with each cup of coffee per day
Colorectal cancer15% decreased risk with each cup of coffee per day
Prostate cancer3-11% decreased risk with each cup of coffee per day
Endometrial cancer8% decreased risk with each cup of coffee per day

Coffee Drinking May Help Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease And Dementia.

Coffee consumption has been associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s, and the link between coffee intake and dementia is still being investigated.

However, there are other factors that may influence your risk for developing Alzheimer’s or dementia, such as age and genetics. As these conditions are rare in young people, it will take many years to see if an effect emerges.

Did you know that drinking coffee can help improve your memory, boost your mood, and even lower your risk of developing certain types of cancer? Our article on the top 15 health benefits of coffee explains all of the ways that coffee can benefit your health.

Coffee May Lower Your Risk Of Parkinson’s Disease

Coffee may reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease. One study found that regular coffee drinkers were 20% less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than non-coffee drinkers. This may be due to the protective effects of various compounds in coffee on oxidative stress and inflammation.

In another study, researchers found that drinking four or more cups of coffee per day lowered a person’s risk of developing Parkinson’s disease by 60%. 

These findings suggest that drinking lots of coffee can help prevent this debilitating neurological condition from happening in the first place.

Coffee Drinkers Have A Lower Risk Of Certain Types Of Cancer.

Drinking coffee every day is linked to a lower risk of certain types of cancers, including liver, pancreatic and prostate.

Coffee has been shown to reduce the risk of liver cancer by 50 percent for drinkers who consume two or more cups per day.

In one study, researchers found that drinking 2-3 cups per day reduces the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 20 percent. They also found that drinking 3-5 cups per day reduces the risk by about 50 percent.

While some studies indicate that consuming 4 or more cups per day does not provide additional benefits over those seen from consuming 2-3 cups/day, others show that there may be an even greater reduction in risk at 4+ cups per day (up to 65% reduced risk).

Cancer TypeDecrease in Risk
Liver cancer29% decreased risk with each cup of coffee per day
Colorectal cancer15% decreased risk with each cup of coffee per day
Prostate cancer3-11% decreased risk with each cup of coffee per day
Endometrial cancer8% decreased risk with each cup of coffee per day

You May Live Longer If You Drink Coffee

A study published in the journal BMJ Open Heart found that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of death from heart disease, stroke, diabetes and liver disease. They also had a lower risk of death from cancer and respiratory diseases.

Coffee drinkers’ risk of dying prematurely was also reduced by up to 18 percent compared with non-coffee drinkers over the course of 18 years (1991 to 2009).

The study used data from over 51,000 people aged 37 to 73 who were randomly selected from three large UK cohort studies: the Health Survey for England (HSE), Scottish Health Survey (SHS) and National Diet and Nutrition Survey for England (NDNS-E).

They analyzed how much coffee each participant drank during their lifetime based on self-reported dietary questionnaires completed every few years. The results showed that individuals who drank more than four cups per day had a 16% lower mortality rate than those who didn’t drink any coffee at all.

Curious about the science behind coffee’s health benefits? Our article on the science behind coffee’s health benefits breaks down exactly how and why coffee can improve your health, making it a must-read for any coffee lover interested in the health benefits of this delicious beverage.

You Can Get An Amazing Variety Of Flavors From Coffee

If you’ve ever tried different types of coffee, then you know how varied the flavors can be. The beans from which coffee is made come from the coffee plant, and each type has its own unique flavor profile. 

For example, Ecuadorian coffees are known for their fruity notes; Colombian coffees have a smooth body; and Ethiopian coffees offer an earthy flavor.

Coffee beans are roasted to bring out their natural oils and create the roasted flavor we enjoy so much. 

But roasting also burns away some of these oils, which means that your morning cup might not taste as rich as it did a few weeks ago or maybe even yesterday! 

So if you’re looking for something new in your morning brew without changing up your routine too much or breaking the bank on specialty brews or equipment (say goodbye!), try adding one of these five spices:

VanillaA subtle, sweet flavor that pairs well with milk and is a popular choice for specialty coffee drinks.
HazelnutA classic coffee flavor that’s slightly sweet and nutty, often found in flavored coffee creamers.
CaramelA rich, sweet flavor that adds a touch of decadence to any coffee drink. Starbucks’ Caramel Macchiato is a well-known example.
ChocolateA bold and indulgent flavor that can be found in many mocha drinks, such as Dunkin’ Donuts’ Mocha Latte.
Pumpkin SpiceA seasonal favorite that blends warm spices like cinnamon and nutmeg with a hint of sweetness. Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte is a well-known example.
CoconutA tropical, slightly sweet flavor that pairs perfectly with iced coffee.
Irish CreamA rich, creamy flavor with a hint of whiskey that’s often found in specialty coffee drinks.
AlmondA nutty and slightly sweet flavor that goes well with a variety of coffee blends.


Coffee lovers can enjoy a wide range of flavors beyond the traditional coffee taste. From vanilla to hazelnut, to seasonal favorite like pumpkin spice, coffee flavors can add a touch of sweetness or richness to your daily coffee routine. Many coffee shops and brands offer a variety of flavored coffee drinks to cater to different preferences.


We hope that you now feel more confident in your decision to give up coffee. It is true that there are many benefits to drinking coffee every day, but those can be found with other drinks as well. 

Coffee is just one option among many, and there are many different types of tea available at any grocery store or convenience store near you. 

So if you’re looking for an alternative beverage that has some of the same health benefits but doesn’t taste like burnt beans (or worse), then we recommend trying out green tea instead!

Further Reading

For more information on the health benefits of coffee, check out these resources:

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee: This article from Old Fashion Foods breaks down 10 surprising ways that coffee can benefit your health.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee Everyday: Coffee Science provides an in-depth look at the top 10 health benefits of drinking coffee on a daily basis.

The Health Benefits of Coffee: The Fact Site offers an informative article on the health benefits of coffee, including some surprising facts and figures.


What are some of the health benefits of drinking coffee?

Drinking coffee has been linked to numerous health benefits, including improved brain function, reduced risk of liver disease and type 2 diabetes, and lower risk of depression and certain types of cancer.

How much coffee should I drink each day to reap the health benefits?

While the ideal amount of coffee varies from person to person, most studies suggest that drinking 3-4 cups of coffee per day is associated with the greatest health benefits.

Are there any negative health effects associated with drinking coffee?

While some people may experience negative side effects from consuming too much caffeine, for most people, drinking coffee in moderation is considered safe and may even offer health benefits.

What’s the best type of coffee to drink for health benefits?

Most studies suggest that black, unsweetened coffee offers the greatest health benefits, as adding sugar or cream can negate some of these benefits.

Can drinking coffee help me lose weight?

While coffee has been shown to boost metabolism and may help some people burn more calories, it should not be relied upon as a weight loss aid on its own.