10 Surprising Benefits Of Drinking Coffee Every Day

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Every day, millions of people drink coffee for its energizing properties and as a way to start their day on the right foot. 

But did you know that there are other health benefits associated with drinking coffee? In fact, some studies have even shown that drinking coffee could be linked to a longer life!

10 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Coffee Every Day – YouTube
Key Takeaways
– Drinking coffee has been linked to numerous health benefits, including improved cognitive function, increased metabolism, and reduced risk of certain diseases.
– Coffee contains antioxidants and essential nutrients like potassium and niacin.
– Drinking moderate amounts of coffee doesn’t lead to dehydration and can contribute to daily fluid intake.
– It’s recommended to limit caffeine intake to no more than 400mg per day to avoid negative side effects like jitters and disrupted sleep.
– By supporting sustainable and eco-friendly coffee brands, consumers can help reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment.

Coffee May Improve Energy Levels and Make You Smarter

Coffee may be the perfect pick-me-up. A study in the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity found that people who drank coffee were more likely to report feeling less tired than those who didn’t.

Other research has shown that caffeine can improve your alertness, concentration and reaction time, which may help you stay focused on tasks (like completing an assignment or getting through a long meeting). 

Coffee also contains antioxidants that protect against cell damage caused by free radicals that some studies suggest might make you smarter by improving cognitive function.

According to The Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee You Need to Know About, “Coffee can lower your risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, may prevent liver disease and Type 2 diabetes, and has even been linked to reducing the risk of suicide.” Drinking coffee can provide many health benefits.

Coffee Can Help You Burn Fat

Studies have shown that coffee can increase the amount of energy you burn by up to 16%. This means that if you drink three cups of coffee every day, it could help you lose up to an extra pound a month without any extra effort on your part. You’ll still need to eat healthy and exercise regularly to see results, but this is another benefit in itself!

Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Studies show that drinking coffee every day can lower blood sugar levels, which could help prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. Drinking four to five cups of coffee per day can also lower your risk for heart disease and stroke.

Additionally, research has shown that people who drink a minimum of two cups of caffeinated beverages daily have up to a 58% lower chance of developing liver cancer than people who don’t consume caffeine at all. 

Coffee drinkers also appear to be at lower risk for cancers in other organs as well, including breast cancer in women (though there is some debate about this), prostate cancer in men and endometrial cancer in women (the lining of the uterus).

Coffee Can Fight Depression and Make You Happier

You just read that caffeine can help with depression and anxiety, but it’s also true that drinking coffee can make you happier in general. 

It can also improve your sleep, energy levels and focus. And while those are all good things to have more of, they’re not the only benefits of drinking coffee every day.

As The Incredible Health Benefits of Coffee: Why You Should Drink It Every Day explains, “Coffee can improve cognitive function, increase energy levels, boost metabolism, and may lower the risk of certain types of cancer.” There are many reasons to enjoy a daily cup of coffee.

Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

There’s also some evidence that coffee may lower your risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. According to an eight-year study done by the University of California, San Francisco, people who drank more than four cups of caffeinated coffee a day were 74% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who did not drink any at all.

It is important to note that while this is interesting research, it is not conclusive as there have been studies showing both positive and negative results when it comes to coffee consumption and its effect on brain function and health overall.

In addition, even if you believe drinking coffee can be beneficial for your long-term health (or just want an excuse to indulge in something delicious), remember not all java drinks are created equal:

Studies show that decaf drinkers have higher rates of depression than regular drinkers do (probably because they’re missing out on one of life’s simple pleasures).

Drinking too many sweetened beverages can increase your risk for heart disease – including sugar-sweetened sodas! But if you love them anyway (we know we do), just stick with unsweetened versions as often as possible.

Coffee may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease but could potentially raise blood pressure levels among those already diagnosed with hypertension.

The same goes for heart disease: studies suggest it may protect against certain types but increase others depending on gender or race/ethnicity

Alzheimer EuropeDaily coffee consumption can have protective effects against Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Journal of Alzheimer’s DiseaseParticipants who drank coffee daily had a 65% decreased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Finnish Institute of Occupational HealthModerate coffee consumption in middle age is associated with a significantly decreased risk of dementia in old age.
NESCAFENESCAFE has partnered with the Alzheimer’s Society to contribute to research on the benefits of coffee for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

According to various studies, daily coffee consumption may lower the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Participants who drank coffee daily had a significantly decreased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, and moderate coffee consumption in middle age has been associated with a decreased risk of dementia in old age.

In fact, daily coffee consumption can have protective effects against Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. NESCAFE has also partnered with the Alzheimer’s Society to support research on the benefits of coffee for these conditions.

Coffee Might Decrease Your Risk of Some Cancers

Coffee may help to protect against certain cancers. Studies have shown that coffee can reduce the risk of liver cancer and colorectal cancer, and it may also decrease the risk of pancreatic cancer. In addition, several studies have found that coffee consumption is associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer in men.

According to an animal study conducted at the University of California San Francisco, caffeine appears to inhibit the growth of tumors by suppressing inflammation in bile duct cells and increasing apoptosis (a process by which cells destroy themselves). 

This means that caffeine may be effective at preventing these types of cancers from getting bigger or spreading throughout your body.

From Weight Loss to Improved Heart Health: The Many Benefits of Coffee notes that “Coffee can help increase physical performance, aid in weight loss, and lower the risk of stroke and heart disease.” Drinking coffee can benefit overall health and wellness.

Coffee Is Incredibly Good For Your Liver

Coffee is good for your liver. It contains caffeine which can help to detoxify the liver and reduce damage caused by alcohol and other toxins. 

Studies show that drinking two to three cups per day can reduce your risk of cirrhosis by half, especially if you drink it with a meal. It can also improve the function of your kidneys and pancreas by helping them process toxins more quickly.

Coffee May Protect You From Parkinson’s Disease

The link between coffee consumption and Parkinson’s risk isn’t new, but it hasn’t been well understood. A recent study found that regular coffee drinkers had a 50% lower risk of developing the neurodegenerative brain condition than those who avoided caffeine.

While we’re not sure how much coffee is needed to get the benefit, researchers suspect that caffeine might play some role in protecting people from Parkinson’s disease by blocking stress hormones which can cause nerve damage in your brain.

How to Choose a Sustainable Coffee Brand That Makes a Difference states that “By considering factors such as organic certifications, fair trade practices, and sustainable farming methods, consumers can make informed choices and support responsible coffee brands.” Choosing sustainable coffee can make a difference for the environment and for coffee farmers.

Drinking Coffee Could Lead To A Longer Life

Coffee can help you live longer, and it’s not just because of the caffeine. It contains antioxidants that help prevent liver damage, lower your risk of cancer, and even keep you feeling younger as you get older. Plus, it tastes great!

If you’re trying to drink more coffee every day or start drinking coffee for the first time in your life, try these tips:

Drink one cup a day to see if you like it (you’ll know if after just one cup). If so, try two cups two days later; if not, stick with one cup and don’t worry about increasing your intake any more than that until next week when maybe try three cups instead of two. 

This way there’s no pressure on yourself to keep drinking more than what’s right for your body because nothing happens immediately after consuming caffeine; instead it takes several days before going into effect which means there won’t be any negative side effects either since they wouldn’t have time yet anyways! So just relax okay?”

The Power of Consumer Choice: How Your Coffee Purchases Affect the Environment explains that “By supporting sustainable and eco-friendly coffee brands, consumers can help reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment.” Making coffee choices can have a positive impact on the world.


So, if you’re worried about your health, it’s time to get started with a daily coffee habit. Of course, there are other benefits to consider too like the fact that drinking coffee can make you more alert and improve your focus. 

Overall, though, the biggest takeaway is probably this: Coffee can make your life better!

Further reading:

Here are some additional resources on the benefits of drinking coffee for further reading:

Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee Every Day: This article explores the top 10 health benefits of drinking coffee every day, including improved cognitive function, increased metabolism, and reduced risk of certain diseases.

Top Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coffee: This resource provides a scientific explanation of the health benefits of coffee, including improved energy levels, cognitive function, and physical performance.

15+ Proven Benefits of Drinking Coffee According to Science: This article includes over 15 scientifically proven benefits of drinking coffee, such as reducing the risk of liver disease and improving mental health.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the benefits of drinking coffee:

What are the health benefits of drinking coffee?

Drinking coffee provides numerous health benefits, including improved cognitive function, increased metabolism, and reduced risk of certain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Does coffee provide any nutritional value?

Coffee doesn’t provide significant nutritional value, but it does contain some antioxidants and essential nutrients like potassium and niacin.

Does drinking coffee lead to dehydration?

While coffee is a diuretic, studies have shown that drinking moderate amounts of coffee doesn’t lead to dehydration and can contribute to daily fluid intake.

Is drinking too much coffee bad for you?

Drinking too much coffee can have negative effects on health, including increasing anxiety and disrupting sleep. It’s recommended to limit caffeine intake to no more than 400mg per day.

Are there any downsides to drinking coffee?

For some individuals, drinking coffee can lead to negative side effects like jitters, anxiety, or upset stomach. It’s important to pay attention to how your body reacts to coffee and adjust intake accordingly.